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Secondtube- read this!


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I have stumbled across a MD Recorder that we can use to tape the Fat Cats and whatever else, if plugged into the board. What I need though is:

Blank MD's

Proper Cables.

I can use the MD, which is a SONY MZ-N707 (same as Mike Train's) and you can tape the show, keep the MD's and transfer so we can have clear Fatties show and other goodies...

How's that sound?

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that sounds great.

i'm in the process of taking the minidisc media that i used to record that fatties ala keys and try to see if the disc itself is scratched or what, cause my that show is screwed up. I've recorded like 100 shows with my recorder, never a problem. I do have the future shop extended warrenty....i should look into it...

keep the recording going....i have cables and the discs and the time....thats great shain

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