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Slip and Toots & Rusted Root plays the gym

Greg Hemmings

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Hey y'all...just saw the Slip playa killer set in a gymnasium in lewiston maine opening up for grandaddy ska himself, Toots and the Maytals. Now if Bob Marley were still alive, do you think Id be seeing him play at a high school gym with a bunch of 18 year old giddy girls with belly button shirts gosiping in front of the girls bathroom?.....Takes me back to bridgeport CT. 2 months ago, just driving through and found on Jambase that rusted root were playing...I entered the fluorescent lit gym and realized i was indeed the oldest feller there. The lights stayed on for the whole show, no alcohol, about 20 cops, and MOSHERS! The band had to stop 6 times to tell the young children that rusted root doesnt think its hip to mosh.

So there is my ramblings for this evening, why cant these bands ditch the gym gigs and play to real audiences in the great white north???

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