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Gifts for kids this Christmas


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Besides all the expensive toys and latest trends our kids will be getting this Christmas, here are some suggestions for things they can really use:

1-The gift of acceptance. Teach them that they are loved for what they are, not what they do.

2-The gift of self confidence. Help the understand and accept that no one can be approved of all the time, and that they must trust themselves, not the opinion of others.

3- The gift of possibilities. Dont let them label themselves. Give them the gift of freedom to be anything, rather than limit themselves by silly labels and roles.

4- The gift of life without needless fears. Do this by not being a worrier yourself. Show them how to tackle problems instead of sitting around fretting about them.

5- The gift of being a person who has a spark and an appreciation for all life. Encourage them to be fully alive in every way. Allow them to have adventures, a chance for laughter, fun and creativity. Give them the gift of being able to find happiness in virtually all circumstances.

Feel free to give these gifts all year long. They will last forever.

Peace and Merry Christmas. [smile]

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