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nero, 4.3.04 UNB S.U.B.

Northern Wish

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Totally different show than the Wed show from Moncton. Way more airy, lighter jamming- and a Lemondust opener! I was hoping for a longer set (it was a one set show) but at 2:30 I was happy to head for home. Its really cool that as the band grows and develops they are continuing to push the envelope as to "what is nero?". It seems like each few months there is a new breakthrough, a new way of playing an old song, a new song, or some new equipment goodies. I really like the fact that when you go out to see nero, you never really know what you are going to get. Some nights Deep Purples and the Mahavishnu Orchestras bastard love child shows up, other evenings it can be Kimock meets Particle. Whatever it is, it is usually good- but its the surprise that keeps me coming back. I guess thats the one nice thing about living out East, is our nero shows are always a couple of months apart giving time for growth and experimentation.

I ran into the boys later in the evening as they dragged their asses to Fredericton by the skin of their teeth after a rough night in Halifax. Since the first weekend I met those guys back in 2001, I have yet to see them slink into a place with so little energy (although the smiles were still there!).

The show was an Earth Day benefit to raise money for the Environmental Society with several local bands including All of Green (ok reggae/ ska but the vox bit), Fat Jebus (getting better every show) and a newer band on the scene out here called Melonworks who I really liked (close to Soulive, Scofield type stuff). The only problem was that Last Class Bash with JSB and Threat is this Thurs coming, and there were two formals at the school along with Slowcoaster at the Capital. All in all, there was loads to do in town and the crowd was smaller than I anticipated. Maybe around 100-150 total in this glorified cafeteria.

nero took the stage around 12:30 and played till close. It was a bit of a sloppy night for me, so the middle part of the set eludes my memory recall.....



Fredericton, NB

SUB Ballroom

~~I only~~




(things get foggy here- maybe Crabwalk, and Condor? which I remember thinking that Dave wasn't using the "condor" guitar)



Thinks continued well into the night back at my place, and without the nero lads for once! We just didn't have the same giver attitude without the presence of rock stars. Bedtime called and my nero week was over.

Can't wait to see them blow apart the Shaker!


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