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Sad Habs...


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I love hockey with all my heart. I really do. And I have alot of love for all the Canadian teams. But I am really, very disappointed with some of the pathetic antics displayed by Mike Ribeiro and Alex Kovalev. Faking an injury is pretty sad. Even if he was hurt, there was no need to prance around the way he did.

And Kovalev? To give up on the puck at his own blueline in the 2nd overtime, crash into his teammate, and THEN blame Souray for the collision and giving up the puck leading to the losing goal? That's selfishness.

I'm sorry... the Canadiens do not deserve to make the 2nd round and I will be happy when they are eliminated. I am a Canucks fan, but I can respect the Flames (alot). I am a Leafs fan, and I can respect the Sens (a bit). But I can't respect the Habs after what I've seen in this series...

Just my 2 cents! Opinions?

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Hey Todd Bertuzzi, get a grip. Dont sound like a hypocrite.

I am not too proud of some of these actions, but Ribiero is young and HOPEFULLY will learn from that stupid behaviour. Kovalev was a moron on that play, and for hitting Thornton near the end of the game, taking that penalty. He had JUST been starting to win me over as well.

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