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Slippin' Saturday Night..


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The Slip show i just finished listening to...

The Slip

03/27/2003: Narrows Center for the Arts: Fall River, MA

Set I: Intro, Song of Mysterious Origin$, > Back in Fifteen Minutes%> TEWDACUATM> Trane-ing> Get Me with Fuji> Smetimes There is Wine%, Brad speech - moment of silence

Set II: Intro> Rhythm and Gold, ELSE#> Tenfold> Drum and Bass, Mudslide, piano instrumental> The Weight of Solomon*, Sometimes True to Nothing

Encore: Love and Tears

Notes: $ Brad on nylon string guitar, Andrew on wooden flute. % Nathan Moore song. # w/ Radiohead's "No Surprises" tease. * w/ "Sunny Day" (Sesame Street Theme), co-written by Fall River native, Joe Raposa.

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Soft Machine actually precedes Else, which is a fucking kickass Built To Spill song, and they kill it. Every song is a standout, its a fucking unbelievable show.

One of those shows that you'd like to just send to some random person by getting a mailing address from a random last name in canada411 or something, and just include a note that says "you must listen to this. then pass it on." that'd be pretty cool. i'd listen to it.

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