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Kyle Riabko's on ETalk Daily Now!!!!!


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Okay at least 7 of you saw this post before it aired. Kyle had a short bit about a five minute clip with three or four interview responses. They quickly made the connection to John Mayer since he's opened for him and then Maroon 5 basically the two bands that fit into their understanding of music, I mean he's opened for Buddy Guy and Keb Mo too for chris sake. He made a good point in response though that if you know music and you hear a note of Miles playing horn you know it's him, and the same would be true of Santana, Jimmy Page, Trey, Jerry and a slew of others. It was his way of saying and he made the point that the same is true of pop music and he's trying to find his voice too. He talked about how weird the filming of his first video was and also about how when he made it, which he already has really, what would he do and he said maybe it's falsely humble but he'd buy every record when it came out every week just cause he could. I thought he was surprisingly well spoken, his dad told me a few years back how he can be any age he needs to be depending on the situation and it shows. He's also into making short movies and stuff with his friends which would be really cool for a video treatment or just to see.

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