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Info for SPAC Virgins


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Or any virgins for that matter...

Some useful info from the Terrapin board for anyone unfamiliar with SPAC:


When you're coming up the Northway (87N) to get to SPAC, you do NOT want to take exit 13N, which is the 'official' SPAC exit.

You want to take Exit 12, then take 67W to 50N, and SPAC will be on the right. (Note: This is the main lot. It may open before the 3pm time on the tickets, but if you get here and it's not open you may have to go around to a park entrance and pay the park fee.)

You will save a LONG wait by taking this route.


SPAC is run by Clearchannel, and they are very uneven in how they enforce their rules. The word from them right now is blankets, camp chairs, small backpacks, factory-sealed water, and food may be brought in.

When you get there it may be a different story. When it's really crowded they get dickish about things, so it's probably a good idea, if you can, to go up past the giant sundial where they do the initial security-check and see what they're barking.

Sometimes they'll open your factory-sealed water and make you throw away the cap. It's a good idea to have an extra cap on you to bring in, just in case.


Depending on when you get there you may be parked in a field in an overflow area. These areas are all over the park and it becomes very hard to find your car again if you are excited and just run towards the structure when you get there. If you're parked in a field back near the golf course or in one of the picnic areas, be very mindful of where your car is. You will generally be approaching the venue from behind. Just have someone catch some landmarks.


Security are generally looking for young-looking kids with alcohol. They don't really mind adults drinking, as long as it's not obvious. Bring a plastic cup or a nalgene bottle, something that will disguise what you have, and you'll be fine. People will be vending beer, just not very loudly, so as long as you're careful you should be able to drink without getting harassed. Just keep it on the DL around your car.

There's a path back behind the venue that goes into the woods; if you're facing the sundial from the lot you go left and follow the building around. It's usually a shady path for those who like to walk shady paths. That's all I'm saying. Steer clear of it or steer right on to it as you like

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