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Did anyone see The Hives?


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On a whim I went to check out this band last night at the Phenoix in Toronto and let me tell you it was the best decision I made all week. Last week I went to see five concerts including Madonna, Alice Cooper, The Hip and the Blues Fest in London but the Hives is the one I'll always remember. I haven't seen a band perform with this much energy in a very long time. The show was only 50 minutes long but it was non stop the entire time. This Swedish band stated how much they loved Toronto and they would be back in a couple of months. If you like punk rock you should see The Hives.

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I like The Hives too. I have thier first two excellent albums. I've heard they're great live but I had to work so I couldn't see them. A few years ago they were supposed to open up for another, and better Swede punk band The International Noise Conspiracy at the Reverb in Toronto, but they couldn't make the show - I was there and the Conspiracy kicked ass.

Anyway, 50-75 minutes is the usual length for the majority of good punk band concerts. Punk bands that I've seen pack a lot of songs and energy into 50-75 minutes and it's never left me feeling short-changed. It's a diffent style and music philosophy.

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