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Benevento/Russo w/Gordon


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I am digging this sh!t. Played it earlier too quiet but now that everyone's out of the office I'm cranking it and it slays. I don't know if the drummer is all that sh!t hot though, I'd take Andrew Barr any day. He's got a fierceness but his touch is a little lacking. I'm sure first handers will correct me though.

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Yeah, I'll bet you'd TAKE Andrew Barr any way you could get him you sick fu©k!!!

I liked how this guy was uber agressive and I think you're saying that he doesn't have the finesse that Andrew does, but one thing is for certain... they both have light years to come before they can lick the spit off Billy Martin's boots!!! I'm sure you'll disagree though.

Far as the funky noises go, I'd guess that they all come from the keys. Dude's got a pretty interesting setup with loads of effects on top of each one. Almost looked to me like he had a typical noodle guitar players set of pedals on each of his keyboards which he turned on and off, spun dials on etc. in order to achive certain effects.

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