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open letter to the guy that stole my bike


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open letter to the guy that stole my bike

((--based loosely on the KITH skit, but infact a true story about my day yesterday, the loss of the best bike i ever had (right off my roofrack in the work parkinglot in the middle of the day!!), and a forum for the venting of my anger. GRRR!--))

"Well, why did you do it? Are you some sort of jerk or something? It's *my* bike! What did you think, that I'd -- drive home and not notice it was stolen? What are you then? Some sort of *prick*? Some sort of *idiot*? Some sort of *thief*? You *human loser*! Well, why didn't you buy your own bike if you wanted one so badly. That's what I did.

Well, well, what were you thinking?! *JERK*!"


Open Letter to the fellow employees *Who Watched* the Guy Steal My Bike

"Well, you knew it wasn't his bike! What did you think? He was inspecting it? Doing service work? Fixing the lock for me?!? Well, why didn't you do something? Why didn't you say something? You human piece of apathy! Why didn't you say, "Hey! That's not your bike!" Well, didn't you think I needed it? I did! Good work, Einstein! Pus!"

i feel better now... not really.

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