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Worst 20 Nintendo Games of all times


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ha ha!


"Yeah, my guy was cowering in fear when I took that screen shot. But give me a break, that gorilla threw a really squishy banana at me."

"After reading the game manual, I discovered that this game is the story of "DUKE DAVIS, former punk rocker and the world's coolest martial arts vigilante!" He stalks the streets attacking little circus men and puppies, making the world a safer place for non circus freaks"

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the best were those illegally smuggled in game cartridges that had like 50+ different games on them... all translated into very creative english. heehee

i always loved "circus chablie"


this was my first nintendo game -- it got really annoying after awhile, because minnie followed mickey everywhere (you couldn't control her separately, she just followed along, eventually dragging him down). it got hard and scary after the first few levels too.


i'm still a sucker for super mario 1, 3 and tetris though. :: favourites ever!

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