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GWAR!!! 24-11-04 Commodore, Vancouver - Ohmigod!


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I am currently at my desk at work, recovering from seeing GWAR in Vancouver last night. I am too out of it right now to provide a proper review, but I will do so by this weekend. For now, though, I have to comment that if you're feeling brave and out for a crazy good time, go see this band. (Wear something you don't really mind destroying, though, if you do!)

It is worlds away from Phish or .moe, but a unique experience to say the least!

We are GWAR!

We'll go far!

We've got guitars.

We'll eat your car! :P


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are they still doing the giant penis thing?

Oderous Last Night: "I have had a lot of complaints about my penis hanging out, so I decided to cover it up ... with a vagina! I'll whip it out later, though."

(which he did)

BTW, he really didn't cover it with a fake vagina. It was covered by some weird, slimy looking loin-cloth type thing.

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Covered in pink liquid and feeling awesome (although gross and violated).

I think I really freaked out the gas station attendant in Squamish in the middle of the night on my way home to Whistler. I was waiting to pay for my gas, when I finally realized why she was looking at me like I was insane (covered in pink dye from head to toe and all :D).

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GWAR November 24, 2004 - Commodore Ballroom, Vancouver, BC, Canada

So, I don't really know how to review this show. It was not like anything I've ever been to.

The show started with a thrash/death metal band, called "Dying Fetus". Believe it or not, they were actually really good (for the genre) but way too loud. Stupidly, unnecessarily loud.

When Dying Fetus was done destroying my hearing, there was some time before GWAR came on. The crowd grew a little bit impatient, and began chanting "GWAR!" over and over. Whereas I don't think bars usually care about that, I think in this case GWAR was encouraged to hit the stage pretty quickly to avert a riot. They came on shortly after the crowd grew noticeably "restless".

The crowd was really mixed. Of course, there were some "unique" punkrockers; each of exactly the same "unique" appearance as their friends (mohawk, tattoos, leather...). Ya, really exciting. There were, however, some interesting people there, and they ranged from people covered in sparkles and plastic clothing, to crazy-ass headbangers. Fun crowd.

The show started with Oderous Urungous bringing out an effigy of John Kerry. Apparently 0derous blames Kerry for failing to dethrone Bush, so... off with his head! Of course, blood was shot throughout the audience, and the show was on. Over the show, they decapitated Kerry, cut off Schwarzennegger's forearms, cut Paris Hilton in half and made her give herself oral sex, disemboweled the anti-abortion advocate Lacey Peterson, and eventually brought out "W." himself, with a tiny penis sticking out. They whacked the penis for a while, and then eventually cut "W." to pieces. All of this, of course, involved blood and green pus being shot into the audience (including all over the writer of this review). There were others who were mutilated, but I can't remember them all.

The show was mostly songs from their new disc, "War Party", but I don't know their music very well, and would not do justice to the set list if I attempted to set it out here.

Overall, I had an AWESOME time at this show. I think that anyone who is not easily offended (likely all of you) would really have a great time at one of their shows. They're sort of like seeing Kiss combined with Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, GG Allin, and with a smattering of Slayer thrown in (with even a little "Gallagher"). Of course, all was done with a sense of sarcastic humour.


Oh, one more thing. At this show, my girlfriend was subjected to what may be the lamest pick-up-line in history. (I left her on her own while I was up in the mosh.) Some GWAR-head ("GWAR-slave"?) came up to her and said, "Do you wanna come with me for a few minutes?" She said, "What?" "Do you wanna come with me for a few minutes?" "NO!" (What a loser.)

I recommend seeing these guys, and frankly I am surprised that I do. They really do "kick ass" though.


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