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The Rev's continuing foray into recording


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Why, hello everybody. Just your friendly neighbourhood Reverend dropping by to share some of my new rock and roll with everybody.

Some of you may remember my forays into the world of home recording. For those who don't, I essentially had written a batch of tunes and recorded them all in my attic using a Radio Shack microphone as my only means of conveyance of sound from instuments (be they drums, bass or guitar) to recording software.

Over the weekend, I spend some time in Toronto with my friend Mike Berengut. Mike plays bass for an intensely progressive rock trio called Simply Just Being. SJB is lucky enough to have an abandoned office space in an industrial area of Toronto to use as their vast jam space. Mike is a recent acceptee to Ryerson's RTA program, a widely-recognized and respected program that churns out audio engineers. Over time, SJB has amassed a sizeable collection of recording gear, most of it owned, some on long-term rent. On a whim, I spent the weekend at the SJB space recording updated versions of my tunes. I've got all the drums done and bass on about half the tunes done, and will be finishing next weekend, but I complete one track in rough tonight and wanted to post it for listening.

The tune, "A Simple One", is based on the last one that was added to my site, with a bunch of new parts written. If you're going to listen, give all 4 minutes a chance because there are multiple parts. Keep in mind that the guitars are ghost tracks and will all be revisited (especially the lead), but the drums and bass are keepers. This was rendered from raw tracks and so it is not mixed at all, and there's a weird reverb thing happening on the snare that is not going to stay either. You'll also notice the conspicuous absence of the kick drum; we were listening on studio monitors and didn't realize that the kick would be gone when heard through computer or car speakers. Also, there are a few fu©k-ups, but I think you'll get the general idea.

I'm playing everything, and Brother Mike gets the production and engineering credits. Here she is, enjoy:

A Simple One

In case you're interested, this is the tune that it grew out of:



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