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Harvestors 1997

Montoana Haze

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Greg, this post is for you but others may be interested.

Good news... I found the 1997 tape from Laluna. I don't think I had listened to it in over 5 years, I had forgot how how great it sounds. Shannon really is something special.

I made a copy of this and brought it to the Fatty show at the Lanc hopeing to suprise you, but saw later you had missed your ride. I ended up giving the copy to Jay Schnider who happened to be out and was very keen to have a copy. However, no worries I can make another copy and send it to you. I was going to wait until the next Fatty show (I like surprises) but I don't see any posted and that might be a while.......... I know I had your mailing address but I'll need it again.



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Oh man thank you!!Rob,you dont know how much this means to me my friend and I'm not sure I could explain it in words anyway,hands down that is the most important recording in the world to me.I'm fu©kin trembling...not sure why,but I am.

Anything you want of my list you just name it.


I'll private messege you my address and promise to get this onto CD ASAP,I will send you a copy first.

Again,thank you.

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The "Rainbow Song" is the song I remember most from that show,it brings me to the emotional edge as it goes for me anyway probally more then any song ever has.

I'm pretty sure my buddy Brendon who I think you know Rob was the only taper during the Harvesters set,he was sharp enough to be able to get a board patch using his Tascam DAT.

I am beside myself right now from all the memories flooding my mind right now...damn...thank you.

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