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LOTUS: Whistler, BC, Canada 26-02-05 The Boot Pub


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Lotus is a five-piece band with extensive electronic effects. They’re from Philadelphia, so we were really lucky to host them here in Whistler last night on their first trip to Canada; especially at an awesome little venue like the Boot Pub.

In some ways, these guys are ‘just another jamband’ with an electronic flavour, but they’re quite a bit more than that. They don’t have the bluegrass sound that usually comes and goes in the usual jamband show, but they do have the jazzy-funky-jammy-fusion-rock thing going on. In addition, however, they always have an ambient sound, either in the background or the foreground, somewhat like Tortoise crossed with the Ozric Tentacles. To me, at times, they remind me of rave-music (which I say, having practically no experience with raves so I may be completely wrong).

These guys have a good stage presence, even though they basically just play their instruments. (There are no vocals, except for some vocal-loops that seem to come from thin air, so I imagine they’re pre-recorded … or maybe I’m the only one who heard those voices…)

Their guitarist is front-stage-centre, and is a pretty engaging guy. He has an understated presence, but the audience definitely dug him. He didn’t speak much, but he did say he appreciated the great audience turnout (which it was) and the warm welcome to Canada.

The percussionist was playing some sort of mixer/computer thing, which I think accounted for a lot of the unexplained sounds that seemed to come from nowhere. It looked kinda like a really modern turntable, but with a completely different sound. The bassist played a five-string bass, and kept up a really nice rhythm, in the tradition of “Drum ‘n Bass”.

Altogether; a great sound out of those guys.

The show was pretty consistently ambient and spacey, although I’d describe the first set as more ambient than the second, with the second set being more “funky” (but others might describe it differently). I definitely preferred the second set to the first, but both sets were great. Second set seemed more danceable, but that may have been a combination of the audience already being warmed up, the band having warmed up, and the two feeding off each other. Otherwise, maybe second set was just better; what do I know? I would love to list the setlist here, but as a newbie to Lotus, I couldn’t possibly name all those instrumental tunes. (If I can locate a setlist at some point in future, I’ll post it later in this thread.)

Each set was over an hour and a quarter, and it looked like the band was ready to play all night if the pub would’ve let them. Eventually, the bar flickered the lights, and ‘encouraged’ the band to wrap it up. They finished up a long jammy song and left the stage, briefly, but the light flickering didn’t stop them from returning to pull out a full-on-funk tune as an encore; at the request of a drunken loud guy in the audience. It was a really danceable tune, and the audience boogied hard. Perfect ending to the show.

There was also an after-party, which I didn’t attend, but based on the Quote of the Day, below, I expect it was pretty fun.

Overall, I had a great time. The band was definitely more electronic than I would have accepted a few years ago, but Ozric Tentacles, Tortoise, and the Disco Biscuits have caused me to mellow a bit in my old age, and I’m more open minded about the electronic sound these days. Having a greater tolerance (even an appreciation) for electronica these days, I really enjoyed the show. If you don’t like the electronic/synth sound, you probably won’t get into these guys, but I think anyone would enjoy dancing to a couple of sets of Lotus, at least once, so I think you should check these guys out if you can. In this case, the ticket price was a steal, too, at 15 bucks in advance and 20 at the door, and if you can see them for anywhere near that price (and I think they’re worth far more), just go to the show. I doubt you’ll regret it.

Thanks a lot Derek, and Upstream Entertainment, for another awesome band brought, for the first time, to the Canadian Best Coast.

Quote of the Day:

”Wanna see me make out with all these girls at the same time? … Then come to the after-party later at my brother’s place!”

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Been trying to get them into Pepper Jack's for awhile now but they're looking for more money then I think they're worth. They were interested in opening for nero at their last Hamilton gig but things didn't work out because of the money. Damn that would have been a great show. How many people were there?

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The Boot Pub is really pretty small. I would guess it only holds like 400 people. I'd be surprised if it held a 1000. They played The Media Club in Vancouver the night before, and I heard it was packed. That place also is not huge either, but might hold closer to a thousand people(?)

(I have never been good at estimating crowd sizes. If you can find out the capacity of those two venues, though, I can tell you that the Boot was at near-capacity last night; and I heard the same about the Media Club the night before.)

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The Media Club - capacity:150, tickets were $15

The Boot Pub - capacity: 140, tickets were $15

That seems a bit much to me. I'd be surprised if we'd get 80 people out to see them in Hamilton or Toronto. I don't think $15 would fly around here either. I want to make this happen but it doesn't seem realistic to me.

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They probably pack a few more in there. I find most places that size usually go over their stated capacity. Not positive myself though.....never been to either of them.

Did you get a chance to pick up their cd, Nomad. Been listening to it a lot over the last several months. It's quite good.

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So, briguy, I have received "official word" from Upstream Entertainment on the numbers for those shows:

Media Club, Vancouver: 220 tickets sold

Boot Pub, Whistler: 293 tickets sold

(Based on the info you dug up about the capacity of those venues, I think we have to hope that the local firefighters [or whoever enforces the fire code] don't check out jambands.ca regularly.)

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Lotus was awesome. (saw em' at the Media Club)

They were super tight and had amazing flow throughout the night. They are definately on their way up. Minor complaints: they had no stage presence at all - mind you they are really young (probably early/mid 20's) so it'll come eventually. Also, there wasn't much originality. Their one and only recognizable influence was STS9... but as a STS9 fanatic, that's OK w/ me. I'd definately go see them again.

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