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Anyone have West Wing DVDs?


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Season 5 isn't out yet... I have Seasons 1-4 but don't think I can lend them out. Unless you want to pay for the shipping to Toronto and stuff. Maybe we can work something out, although I do watch them pretty often.


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Bash you could probably rent them from Blockbuster for cheaper than the cost of having them shipped, and that would free up AD's copies so I could borrow them *wink*wink*. I'm almost done the 2nd season and I can't get enough. The West Wing is the best written television show in years Sorkin is a genius. But I am getting sick of DL the whole seasons at 7 Gigs each, they take forever.

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Good to hear that others are into this show as well. I got hooked by my parents during Season 1 Episode 2. Since then I've been a fanatic about it. Such a well-done show.

And Mary-Louise Parker can have my babies anytime she wants.


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  • 2 years later...

I'm just finding this thread now, and as a total WW junkie, I must say I'm happily surprised to find out that Basher, Freeker and AD are too.


- do you all find that shit fell apart when Sorkin left, too?

- I watched like ten minutes of Sorkin's new show (starring 'Josh') and it seemed to suck. Does it truly suck, or am I just impatient (or too unforgiving of the non-political subject matter)?

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Two things.

Season five of WW is questionable but still has high points ("The Supremes" and "Shutdown").

Six and Seven are unquestionably a different show...but a very good show.

Studio 60 was a great show...just a bit scattered. I suspect it would have been fantastic if it had continued.

Plus, I'm pretty flippin pumped about "Charlie Wilson's War" which is the new Sorkin movie coming out in December...


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