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Live Music Giveaway in Ottawa


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Hey Hey

I'm moving to Vancouver this week and have to give away a lot of my live music collection because I don't have room for all of it on the truck. I'm looking to give away about 2 boxes full of live music to someone that will give it a good home. There's lots of moe., dead, some Phil, MMW, The Slip, and a bunch more. It's all on CD and is still in great shape. If you're interested, just let me know how I can get in touch with you. Also, I'm willing to drop it off to make it easier.


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I'm actually not too into some of the music anymore and I thought that, rather than ship it out to Vanvouver and only listen to it occassionally, it would be nice if it had a home where someone really enjoyed it a lot more. There is still a ton of music that I'm bringing with though so don't be shy.

....and yes, can't wait to head out west...it's the Ontario dream.

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OK...I'm losing my internet connection as of tomorrow so it would be great if we could figure out what we want to do. There are a few people who are interested so I figure we can do this one of two ways. I could either give both boxes to Howler and she could then pass on whatever she doesn't take or we could all meet up and everyone could take what they want (there's plenty to go around). Or if someone else has a good idea we could do that. I leave it up to Howler as she was the first to reply.

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...okay, so I feel like a gigantic ass for doing this but I am going to have to pull the offer off the table for now. Apparantely, my partner promised to give these CDs to a couple of friends of hers a week ago but didn't let me in on it until today. So, given that they were offered to these people first I'm going to have give them first dibs. I'm sooooooo sorry to do this and I feel really badly about it. If there is anything left I'll repost and let you know. In the meantime, I'm going to offer you guys any B&Ps that you'd like of any shows of mine (the list is pretty big). Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until I'm settled in Vancouver and the computer is up and running but I will definitely burn anything you'd like. Just leave me your email address if you're still interested and I'll send you my list of shows. Again, I'm really sorry about this and I hope that I can make it up to you.

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