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Cool Nathan Moore Interview


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This point is very illustrative:

My ultimate theory was that if you can take a line and have it mean three different things, then it becomes more of a blank canvas for someone to project their own heart onto, or their own ideas; the more that it can possibly mean, the blanker of a canvas it becomes. The relationship with the artist becomes a lot more personal, because it can become whatever it has to, to fit what they want to hear. [Grateful Dead lyricist] Robert Hunter…thought that people would tend to hear what they needed to hear, and you don’t want to mess with that.

Interestingly Tom Marshall makes similar sentiments with his refusal to explain what songs mean to him (Gord Downie does the same thing come to think of it) because it limits what it potentially means to the listener. It's a very deconstructive (in the sense of deconstruction literary theory) idea - the notion that there is a semantic slippage inherent in language that is always already underway.

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