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Tony Furtado


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Yeah, Tony is definiitely an amazing player...

First that I had heard of him was in NYC in 2002.. We were catching a couple nights of SCI(2 or 3 nights, I can't remember) @ Radio City on the lead up to the summer tour closer in Mass... Tony came up and joined the boys for a few tunes... I had never heard of him but everyone else seemed to have... He blew me a way... I've since listened to a bunch of different projects that he's done... Definitely a choice player...

That said, I'm sorry to say, there's definitely no possibility of me making it... My traveling is very limited until next summer when Katie and I get married... Until then, I have to save my trips for 'can't miss' shows... I like Tony but don't know if he's exactly in my can't miss category... And man weddings are expensive...

P.S. - I think that Cheese run was in 2002, then again I could be mixed up on the year... You know what they say, "All the years combine, they melt into a dream"... Hey, I just couldn't help myself to a good Garcia/Hunter quote

Peace, Love,

and Dancin Shoes


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