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Part of the fun of the CBC lockout ...


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... are the blogs by disgruntled CBC folk.

I miss the CBC. Radio One in the mornings and Newsworld in the evenings, specifically. It has felt really strange having something this big happening, without having the CBC available as a forum for people to discuss it.

But there are the blogs! And podcasts. And renegade CBC-personality radio shows broadcast on CIUT and CKCU.

I'm digging "The Tea Makers" most. It is actually written by non-locked out employees (ie. managers) and run, in one of the contributor's words, like a "splinter cell". Anonymous email addresses, pseudonyms, attempting to avoid giving away their own identities or to even know who each other are. The most recent entry ("Where's Bobby? (part III)") [sorry Hux, different Bobby] is pretty damn entertaining.

So for those who are missing the CBC, but who have also been missing out on the bright side of the lock-out:

The Tea Makers

CBC Unplugged: podcasts, audio and video mashups, huge list of CBC employee blogs, etc..

CBC On The Line: Excellent site in all sorts of ways. Also has a handy "Highlights from the Blogosphere" section.

Secular Healing: Features such choice quotes as "New Orleans is Baghdad plus water minus two and a half years."

CBC Lockout 2005: The View From Ottawa

CKCU FM: With information on "Locked Out Live" which is broadcast live from in front Sparks St. Mall in Ottawa by locked-out employees.

CBC Unlocked: A replacement of sorts for cbc.ca - run by the Canadian Media Guild and locked-out CBC employees.

Yes, the lockout has driven me even deeper into CBC geekdom.

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cheers, d rawk, very enjoyable reading.

i particularly miss the morning show...the 2 that are on now, while they have improved a great deal, still really suck.

i will give them credit for randomly reaching in to the vast CBC music library, there have been some wonderful surprises in terms of tunes spun in the morning, which rarely happenned pre-lockout.

I hope promo girl is well..I miss her cheesey haphazard adventures...

maybe she and jian gomeshi have taken advantage of their new-found free time and have finally become an item :)

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A couple other good ones that got my attention tonight ...

Matt Watts is seriously effin' funny.

Around and Around is a sitcom about the lock-out situation produced for the web by locked-out CBC workers in Vancouver. There are two episodes so far. Haven't seen 'em yet myself because we can't do Quicktime videos here at work.

Pulling the Plug: The CBC Lockout and the Future of Public Broadcasting in Canada is a 2-hour audio documentary produced by CBC's Colman Jones

Tod Maffin on the CBC Lockout (mp3)

And Planet CBC is a good aggregator.

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