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toronto's new recycling program.

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i don't know if its like this in your area...

but the trash pick up has been reduced to only once in every two weeks.

people were issued special bins for food waste/paper towels/diapers etc...

these bins are picked up with the rest of the recycling.

this is incredible.

plastic, glass, paper and now biodegradable scraps are all being recycled instead of being sent to the dump.

its been two weeks, and we only have about 2 shopping bags of trash being sent to the dump isntead of 2 garbage bags

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ummm yeah that was started downtown when i lived there, i think this time last year.

i thought it was a great idea...but then we got some fruit flies.

and then the raccoons decided to go through everyone's green bin.

and then the rats got bigger...

i think it's a remarkable idea, and i miss it now that i'm out here in hamilton. but i think that the bins need to be redesigned to help stop the problems mentioned above. especially downtown.

it's a great idea for the environment, and i think that they compost the material...i don't know if you can put diapers in there or not...not exactly something i was concerned about back then. but if they do make compost out of it...it's a nice bit of revenue for the city when they sell the fertilizer/kick ass soil...or whatever compost turns into when it's done composting.

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