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Networking experts, step in PLEASE


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So, i got one for ya!

On friday i noticed a few pages i visit were 'down'...i figured they'd be up soon....

after a couple days, i received an email saying i received a private msg, strange since the page is down....

at school i was able to load the page....


so i came home, tried again....got the this page cant be loaded error.


so i reset my router, still can't load.


take my cable line in, bypass the router, right into a pc, page loads.


so its the router.

check EVERY setting, as i haven't changed anything in six months....

can't find anything.

so i bite the bullet and call linksys.

get some foreign non english speaking person, but is knowledgable....

we try updating the firmware, resetting to default setting....everything.

can't load the page.


he says my router may have been fried by a power surge, but that doesn't make sense....why only two pages (found another page) not loading...when literally hundreds of others are...

nothing special about these two pages that wont load, as you can see...



neither will load for me, behind the router, but as i said, will load with a direct line in....

any suggestions or router experts?

i dont want to have to buy a new router, considering there really isn't anything wrong with this one.

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Both pages open for me, I have a linksys wrt54g (v.2).

What type of linksys is yours? I've been sorting fooling around with em for the last year seeing what I can tweak or whatnot, but haven't had that occur yet. I can email a friend your problem to see if he can figure it out, he's who I go through when I've got router issues.

Have you tried clearing your cookies and/or temporary internet files?

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i have....but....it wont load on the three comps on the other side of the router, so it really can't be a temp internet file or cookie problem, as each comp doesn't have the same files...

not too mention the computer will load the page when its Not behind the router....

this is just frustrating me to hell...

no wonder i got the heck outta computers.

Willy, you out there?

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