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new buddha dude?

Im going home Donny

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Nepalese swear the boy under the tree is a budding Buddha;

There is a thin young man sitting cross-legged underneath a pipal tree in the Nepalese jungle who some believe is a modern day Buddha. Ram Bomjon, his followers say, has been sitting quietly meditating without food or drink for six months. The 15-year-old is said to have light eminating from his forhead. "It looks a bit like when you shine a torch through your hand,"Tek Bahadur Lama, a local dealing with the influx of visitors, told the British Telegraph newspaper.

The boy's meditation resembles a chapter in the life of the revered Buddha, when he achieved enlightenment by meditating beneath the pipal tree for 49 days. Bomjon's excercise has allready exceded that. Last week, locals said a snake bit the boy. They pulled a curtain around him and when it was opened five days later he said, "A snake bit me but I do not need treatment. I need six years of deep meditation."

"Tell the people not to call me a Buddha. I don't have the Buddha energy. I am a level of rinpoche (a lower divinity)," the Telegraph reports him as saying.

Bomjon's mother is worried that the boy looks thinner, but she told the Telegraph," God took him to the forest and I have faith that God will feed him. Early in the morning he looks sunken, like there's no blood in him, but as the sun rises he seems to get brighter and brighter."

Bomjon has been examined by doctors, but only from a distance. Doctors standing five yards from him could not confirm anything, except that he is still alive.

The boy has become the centre of mass attention from pilgrims and entrepreneurs. Stalls have been set up surrounding him selling everything from incense to chewing tobacco. A fence keeps onlookers from touching him. - DOSE

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