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Im a happy boy with a new toy...


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Everyone said they werent going... ;?

My folks lie, cause they just doesnt want me to go out and get right fucked. She seen the invitation and got all fuÇking gay, so thats why she says sh!t like that (lies like any good christian mother would do! JESUS!!!!).

Lunchy got his flu shot the other day and has been dying ever since, so i knew he wasnt going. I called Jay and asked if he was going and he said he didnt think so. So pretty much, I knew I was fuÇked. Atleast Scott and I finally got to get some work done on our new project "wilbir", that weve been talkin' about fo song long. Thx for giving it a listen.

and yo

Thx again for the invite. Im glad you guys had a good time and an enjoyable festive diiner. Maybe we can get together sometime soon and do something before the seasons done. Theres still jays on boxing daze eve??

Tooly we should get together and hang soon to bros. Do a little jam or something.

Well, you know the number give me a ring sometime.

Remember when you lived at Don's? Its sucked but it was cool.


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