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Quebec Sovereignty


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So this is rearing it's head again and I was wondering if anybody has some good information/links on this. I'm looking more for the logistics of how they will accomplish this (ex. will there be a corridor through Quebec that links Canada? - what currency will they use? - What do the Natives throughout northern Quebec feel? etc..etc)

Basically, if they separate how will they accomplish it?

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The last I heard, sovereignists propose to have Quebec use Canadian currency, and Quebec citizens even use Canadian passports. As to a "corridor", I don't think that'd be necessary, as I doubt there'd be customs/border checks between Quebec and Canada (as there are between Canada and the USA, say).*

As to native territory (or, for that matter, bits of Quebec that wanted to stay with Canada), well, they'd just have to be part of Quebec, as the thought of sub-dividing a sovereign nation, simply due to cultural differences, is patently absurd...



* One comic said, "A friend of mine is worried about Quebec separating, as he thinks they're going to build a wall. 'Relax,' I said. 'This is the province that built the Olympic Stadium...'"

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Natives in Quebec have every intention of staying with Canada because Quebec would have no way of maintaining their status. Almost 3/4 of the province is native land which happens to house a large majority of Quebecs' natural resources. The St. Laurence lock system is federally owned and run. Maybe if they behave themselves, Canada will allow them access to it for an obscene sum of money.

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