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Big J

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I feel terrible about the mishap and obviously should have known better than to leave an envelope of cash lying anywhere, for any amount of time. The worst part is that those who were generous enough to donate money at that point in the night (some as much as $20 and $50 dollars!) are now the same folks who have unwittingly lined the pockets of a person jaded enough to steal from the home of a friend (and from the same folks they'd been sharing a party with all night). I really hope it still turns up, or that whoever took the envelope did it with the intention of paying the remainder of the fine. If not, then I hope that person refrains from coming out and tainting our community. Next thing you know, I'm going to have to start using coat checks or dancing with the restrictions of my purse and coat. Lame-o

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Saturday was such a greatime! It was so good seeing so many friendly faces in one place. The Eight hours seemed to pass within the blink of an eye. Time flys when you're having fun. It really was encouraging to see all the Jambanders showoff what an incredible vibe they can bring. Already looking forward to the next one.

And for the Erb street crew. That was an epic after-party you threw. You had a wicked foyer, and the Paintings in the living room were awsome... very Dali meet Rob Zombie. I didn't stay long (I'm a little clostrophobic), and I'm sorry to hear about noise complaints and all the bad karma that happened afterwards... though it's hard to be surprised when you had about 3 square feet per person in that house! Good on you for taking the hit, I'm sure the goodness of the community will lessen the blow one way or the other.



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...top quotes of the night..

and at the after-party on the fittingly titled " ERB STREET " when the police were knocking on the front door...

"Listen up, when the cops show up, stop playing the drums, you stupid hippies!"

My favorite:

"...The man is at the door, you know, THE MAN ...and if your name is Johnny*; they're looking for you..."

*name changed

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you

Kurt Cobain

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