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Chameleon Project 2006-04-22 available for download


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Yes GoodRev, "Song for my father" is a Horace Silver hard-bop classic, and we love to twist jazz stadards all around.

[color:purple]A BIG PURPLE FONT THANX TO BRADM for coming out and taping our show. The scenen needs more BradM's. (not literallythat would be creepy, but certainly figuratively!).

I'm sure we'll be back to Ottawa soon. :)

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Note to self: when getting set lists from Chameleon Project, make sure to ask which are covers, and by whom. :) (I got "On Green Dolphin Street", but that's just because I have a rack of Miles Davis CDs. I don't have any Horace Silver [yet].)



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Actually, I read no sarcasm in TC's use of purple, as I knew his feeling/intention to be as far from sarcastic as possible; in fact, I took it as a kind of "royalty" thing (IIRC, purple is a traditionally royal colour). :o

Has [color:green]green been assigned a meaning?



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