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What's for dinner today?


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My offical start of spring isn't a specific date on the calendar; instead, it's the first day I'm able to get down to the Byward Market in Ottawa and have dinner on a patio, such as at The Black Tomato.

Today was such a day. It was windier than I'd wanted, and it was really gusty and actually raining when I got off the bus, but by the time I'd walked through the Rideau Centre, it was clear sky all the way.

I started with soup, coconut, chicken, and galangal, along with a pint of Scotch-Irish's IPA. The soup was creamy and smooth, with a really rich flavour; the sharp bitterness of the IPA went well with it.

For an entree, I had an open-faced flank steak sandwich, which had grilled onions, cheese (Brie, IIRC) and a chipotle mayo on it as well; it came with mixed greens, and roasted potato wedges done to thick creamy perfection. Along wtih a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon (one nice thing about the menu: each entree has a recommended wine that's available by the glass), it made for a wonderful meal.

And sitting on the patio in the courtyard, watching the people coming and going, listening to the conversations in a mix of languages, and enjoying how I occupied my time and caloric intake, well, that's the way to start a season.



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