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Stupid Bit Torrent question

Rob Not Bob

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Depends on the client, but theres usually an option to de-select files when you first start the torrent (I use utorrent). When I used bit tornado, you had that options under "Details", and select "never download" all files except the ones you need.

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Not sure if it is a setting, but I use azureus and before the download begins it gives me the option of which files to download. Also, while the dl is in progress you can view the % complete of each file, select the priority status of each one. If you are downloading a movie for instance, you can tell it to download the sample clip first.


I know that there are other programs that do this too, but azureus is pretty good

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Same with uTorrent and if you don't uncheck the ones you don't want, just highlight them after the downloading starts (the ones you DO want), right click and choose High Priority and they'll download first. Just stop it once their done but if you uncheck them at the start you can still upload what you have to save some ratio.

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