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Evolve Trash?


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Jimmy just posted this on Jamhub so that covers it:


you got to love the rumour mill. it is so much fun to see what people hear and believe happens within our beautiful Canadian Jam Scene. at EVOLVE last year we had a teem not only pick up every cigarette butt from the concert/camping grounds but we also had a group of kind folks "green team" empty out every garbage bag from the entire weekend and pick out all the recycling. the site was spotless 2 days later..."leave no footprints"

having said this, we would like to thank all the people who try really hard to leave disposable plates/cups at home and bring reusable enviro mugs and such.

cheers to JamHub and Jambands.ca for making these excellent foums for discussion available to people across the country and abroad. y'all rock!

peace in the east!

- evolve ewok

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