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"Sacred Garden" - Veg Thai in Ottawa


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We hit this on Sat, it's on Bank between the Dairy Queen and Billings Bridge (formerly Mitzi's Dining Lounge) on the west side of Bank.

Vegetarian only, but they use a lot of seafood/meat/chicken protein thingys, tofu, etc.

The food was amazingly fresh and very tasty, pad thai, curries, noodle and rice dishes. They also serve some unique lemon grass tea, and have homemade desserts.

Highly recommended!

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Yeah I tried this and it was so-so. I think a place like this or the Hot Peppers place is really pushing their luck given Thai food is rife with shrimp pastes, shrimp broth, seafood, etc and quite frankly tastes good because of it.

Hot Peppers is just absurd, I mean a Thai wine bar? Didn't they get the memo that themed restaurants, particularly those matching wine with the nearly unmatchable, is doomed to fail?

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