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FREE Old Furniture (Toronto) (now.)


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My brother is getting rid of tonnes of junk from his house today. People are coming to cart it away in an hour and a half, but it's not really all garbage.

If anyone wants FOR FREE 4 to 8 dining room chairs, and they can come and get them in Toronto at Leslie and York Mills, they're all yours to whoever replies. There will likely also be other good free stuff by the time you get here, as we go through the junk, which we are doing right now.

So, who wants some nice, free dining room chairs? Some are in perfect condition, but some need to be recovered.

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Okay, the dining room chairs in perfect condition are gone, but there are still four or five (I see four here, but I think five exist) matching dining room chairs, that need to be recovered. It would take very little effort to make them look good.

Free to a good home if anyone wants to take them.

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