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Stephen Harper is a Cowboy


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left-leaning media did everything they could to play up this fear of WWIII in an effort to sway voters.

I challenge you to find anything that supports that, and as this article/study by a group at McGill proves, Harper and the Conservatives actually received preferential treatment from newspapers in the second half of election 2006.

So, you're wrong there.

i think i'm in love. ;)

there's no doubt that the media favoured Harper during the election.. no doubt at all, considering there was a scandal at hand. i haven't argued in comparison once in this entire thread, so i don't really get why we're doing it now. i'm not campaigning here.

check out this link:

CBC Broadcaster compares Harper to Hitler

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Hey, you think that's something? Check this one out :)!

Chavez calls Bush 'the devil' during UN speech

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez continued his war of words with George W. Bush on Wednesday, referring to the U.S. president as "the devil" during an address to the United Nations General Assembly.

"The devil came here yesterday," Chavez said, drawing some applause and laughter as he made the sign of the cross on his chest, "and it smells of sulphur still today."

Chavez said Bush, who addressed the assembly on Wednesday, spoke to international leaders "as the owner of the world, truly as the owner of the world."

Calling Harper a Hitler is, of course, unconscionable. But this, hey, you could back this one up with scripture! ;)

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It might be argued that the jury is still out on whether Afghanistan is a better place since we threw our military there. It sure ain't looking pretty in Iraq, though. Good on us to have stayed the fuck out.

Iraq torture 'worse after Saddam' (BBC)

Torture may be worse now in Iraq than under former leader Saddam Hussein, the UN's chief anti-torture expert says.

Manfred Nowak said the situation in Iraq was "out of control", with abuses being committed by security forces, militia groups and anti-US insurgents.

Bodies found in the Baghdad morgue "often bear signs of severe torture", said the human rights office of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq in a report.

The wounds confirmed reports given by refugees from Iraq, Mr Nowak said.

He told journalists at a briefing in Geneva that he had yet to visit Iraq, but he was able to base his information on autopsies and interviews with Iraqis in neighbouring Jordan.

"What most people tell you is that the situation as far as torture is concerned now in Iraq is totally out of hand," the Austrian law professor said.

"The situation is so bad many people say it is worse than it has been in the times of Saddam Hussein," he added.

Brutal methods

The UN report says detainees' bodies often show signs of beating using electrical cables, wounds in heads and genitals, broken legs and hands, electric and cigarette burns.

Bodies found at the Baghdad mortuary "often bear signs of severe torture including acid-induced injuries and burns caused by chemical substances".

Many bodies have missing skin, broken bones, back, hands and legs, missing eyes, missing teeth and wounds caused by power drills or nails, the UN report says.

Victims come from prisons run by US-led multinational forces as well as by the ministries of interior and defence and private militias, the report said.

The most brutal torture methods were employed by private militias, Mr Nowak told journalists.

The report also says the frequency of sectarian bloodletting means bodies are often found which "bear signs indicating that the victims have been brutally tortured before their extra-judicial execution".

It concludes that torture threatens "the very fabric of the country" as victims exact their own revenge and fuel further violence.

Mr Nowak said he would like to visit Iraq in person, but the current situation would not allow him to prepare an accurate report, because it would not be safe to leave Baghdad's heavily guarded Green Zone where the Iraqi government and US leadership are situated.

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I can't decide if Harper is insane, or clossally stupid to infer that Canadian casualties and our lock-stepo with US foreign policy has improved our world image as a military power.

Does he think this is winning him supporters?! I'm sure he is even turning the stomachs of staunch conservatives with these types of Bushesque comments.

I am in awe of this man's lunacy.

We have no place in Afaganistan or Iraq, unless it's at the direction of the UN.

That's UN people, not US...I know it's one measly consonant, but it makes all the difference.

This guy's gotta go.

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