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Video: apparently-baked biz school prof who was soon fired

Kanada Kev

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This is totally hilarious. Do check out the recommended "Minute 28"


Video: apparently-baked biz school prof who was soon fired


BoingBoing reader Shawn says,

It appears from the content of this video that this University of Florida professor -- whom everyone has to take in the business school -- got REALLY REALLY REALLY HIGH before one of his classes.

As I am told, he was fired the next day. Minute 28 is hilarious.

I'm including links to the windows video files hosted at UF in the hopes someone remixes this.

Looks like the lecturer's name is Howard J. (John) Hall, and he remains listed on the faculty of the University of Florida, Warrington College of Business.



He does ramble, but he's far more entertaining than any of the business school professors I ever sat through.

posted by Xeni Jardin at 10:53:49 PM permalink | blogs' comments

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I jumped ahead straight to 28 mins. I thought it was actually going ok, until the moment he keels over and cracks up. I suppose Ethnomethodologists could get away with that sort of thing, as a kind of intramural experiment on students to see what sense they made of the moment; an Economics prof, though....

Hilarious, and sad. I knew a prof at U of T who was "invited" to take early retirement (after a string of "health absences") for being routinely pissed for his lectures (and forgetting about midterms, etc. etc.). It was a pity, because when he was on his game, he was one of the most brilliant, lucid, insightful, and knowledgeable people in his field - internationally, no less - and it did make for some interesting moments in his classes: there's nothing quite like a surly drunk for a Religious Studies course to force people to think about difficult issues and get them out of their comfort zone. But I'm sure people used to enable him a bit that way, too, which never helped.

I'll have to show that bit to my own classes, so they see what a deal they're getting with plain old boring, sober me ;).

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