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A good volunteer opportunity (No Jam content)


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Hi folks,

Just thought I'd pass on something that I am currently involved in. I've seen a few people talking about being without a job right now so I figure a volunteering link could be useful.

The program is called Canadainfonet, and you act as an e-mentor for potential and new immigrants to Canada who need assistance with their job search. You fill out your profile (work experience, school, your job search knowledge and abilities) and then people search the mentor listings for someone in their field.

My background is in marketing, and I'm matched with a new immigrant from Rajasthan (North India) who has a business degree and a masters degree in statistics. It's actually really fun getting to know these people, although it's done entirely over the internet.

If you're keen, check it out here

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are you suggesting unemployed people spend their time helping someone *else* find a job? [Confused]

sure, if you're all set for money and time help a new person out, but finding a job for yourself is stressful and time-consuming enough as it is!

unless of course this new person is super employable, gets in and then hires you on to return the favour... [Cool]

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Earthfreak - you must remember the karma! Help one find a job and the powers that be may just return that kindness!

Most job seekers are online looking anyways, how long would it take to send off an email of encouragement to a fellow seeker? You could boost each other up when things are tough and rejoice together when one of you succeeds. I think it's a fabulous idea! (But then, I am employed right now so I may be biased.)

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