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Hail to the java bean

Davey Boy 2.0

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3 coffees a day 'saves livers'


DRINKING three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of fatal liver disease by up to 40 per cent.

Scientists in Oslo, Norway discovered it protects against cirrhosis, a life-threatening illness usually caused by drinking too much alcohol.

Their conclusion came despite coffee-drinkers tending to smoke more and have higher cholesterol levels.

Dr Svetlana Skurtveit, who led the research, said it was not clear why coffee had such an impact on deaths.

"The mortality rates were distinctly lower among those drinking three or more cups than those drinking two or less,' she said.


I did a google search on "coffee liver" and got a page full of more unsettling, but related topics...

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Guest Low Roller

So if I keep drinking booze like a fish, then drink coffee to be able to function the next day, and continue the cycle for a lifetime, I have less chance of having fatal liver disease than somebody who leads a healthy life and only drinks alcohol on occasion? Fascinating.

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