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if you can't beat em...(unemployed? look here)

snarfmaster C

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The Government of Canada needs YOU!

So for you unemployed people in Hamilton and St. Catharines, here's a good paying job that doesn't have too much in the required skills/experience department... passport examiners!

use your authority to let potential boat-rockers in - - or keep 'em out, depending on your mood.



but hurry - competition closes today!

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DAMNNNNN you mean i took back my old roofing job instead of having a cushy gov't job


you shoulda posted this early last night, like 9 before i have to go to bed for this ungodly job

i stink so bad hahahha, got tar in my hair, tar fuckin everywhere, bits of grit everywhere, even unmentionable places

perhaps its time for boxers again lol

roofing SUCKS!

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