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'Deep Integration' - North American security forum (SCARY)


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I'd recently come across some information that you may have already been aware but perhaps not fully aware of all of the participants and details. In this letter I can provide for you a list of the participants and a few basic details.

Funny thing is, most Canadians are so complacent, they think we're so liberated, not one person in that area( except a fellow named Chris Foote who used to be a member of the green party and gave me this list)can see what an impact this has on all of our freedoms; New World order does not mean one world one government except Canada! Anyone who is even slightly ambiguous I believe has a great deal of soul searching to do. Also, WE as a nation are very complacent to believe that 'our system' of government, an imaginary line and the word Canada mitigate the effect these issues have on us.

Working together, hopefully we can wake up enough folks to participate in a way that works for everyone and not just a few.

The following is the info I want to share with you:

Conference SEPT.12-14

At The (FAIRMONT) Banff Springs Hotel in Banff National park

Who was there:

STEVEN HARPER, DONALD RUMSFELD, Perrin Beatty, Peter Lougheed, Thomas d'Aquino, Stockwell Day, Wendy Dobson, Roger Gibbins, John Manley, Anne McLellan, Gordon O'Connor, James Schlesinger, George Shultz and many others...

Among the Topics: " A vision for North America", "A N. American energy strategy", "Demographic and Social Dimensions of N. American Integration", "Opportunities for security Cooperation". Few Details are know about this conference. It was held on the 4th floor of the Banff Spring Hotel for 3 days. Busses from Calgary came and left in the middle of the night to avoid problems. I lived there for six years and drove Taxi at night and I can assure you that is very out of the ordinary, other than greyhound, no commercial lines come into town late with guests at night or middle of it for that matter. As of sept.18, there is only one article on the inter net about it.



(Internal Document, Not for Public Release)

Forum Co-Chairs:

Dr.Pedro Aspe

Hon. Peter Lougheed

Hon. George Shultz


-Col. Peter Atkinson, Special Advisor to Chief of Defense Staff

-Hon. Perrin Beatty, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters

-Mr.Peter M. Boehm, Asst. Dep. Minister, N. America, Foriegn Affairs and International Trade Canada

-Mr. Thomas d'Aquino, Canadian Council of Chief Executives

-Hon. Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, Government of Canada

-Dr. Wendy Dobson,The institute for International Business

-Mr. N. Murray Edwards, Edco Financial Holdings ltd.

-Mr. Ward Elcock, Deputy Minister of National Defense

-Mr. Bill Elliot, Associate Deputy Minister, Public safety

-Dr. John English, The Cdn Centre for international Governance Innovation

-Mr. Brian Felesky, Felesky Flynn LLP

-Mr. Richard L. George, Suncor Energy Inc.

-Dr. Roger Gibbins, , Canada West Foundation

-Rear Adm Roger Girouard, Commander Joint Task Force Pacific, Cdn Forces

-Major Gen Daniel Gosselin, Director General, International Security Policy

-Mr. James K. Gray, Canada West Foundation

-Mr. Fred Green, Canadian Pacific Railway

-Mr. V. Peter Harder, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

-Mr. Paul J. Hill, Harvard Developments Inc.

-General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defense Staff

-Mr. Pierre Marc Johnston, Heenan Blaikie

-Mr.James Kinnear, Pengrowth Corp.

-Mr. Harold N. Kvisle, Trans Canada Corp.

-Hon. John P. Manley, McCarthy Tetrault LLP

-Mr. Ron Mannix, Coril Holdings Ltd.

-Mr. Ron Mathison, Matco Investments

-Hon. Anne McLellan, Senior Counsel, Bennett Jones

-Hon. Greg Melchin, Minister of Energy, Government of Alberta

-Ms. Sharon Murphy, Chevron Canada

-Ms. Sheila O'brien, President, Corporate Director, Belvedere Investments

-Hon. Gordon O'Connor, Minister of Defense, Government of Canada

-Mr. Berel Rodal, International center on Non-Violent conflict????? they let him speak?

-Mr. Gordon Smith, Chairman, The International Development Research Centre


-Ms. Deborah Bolton, Political Advisor to Commander, US Northcom

-Mr. Ron T. Covais, President, The Americas, Lockheed Martin Corp.***

-Sec. Kenneth W. Dam, Max Pam Professor Emeritus of American & Foreign Law and Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Law School

-Mr. Dan Fisk, Senior Director, Western Hemisphere, National Security Council

-Sec. Ryan Henry, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

-Ms. Carla A. Hills, Chairman and CEO, Hills & Co.

-Ms. Caryn hollis, DASD (Acting) Western Hemisphere Affairs

-Mr. Bill Irwin, , Manager-International Government Affairs; Policy, Government and Public Affairs, Chevron Corp.

-Mr. Robert G. James, President, Enterprise Asset Management Inc.

-Admiral Tim Keating, Commander, Us Northern Command

-Mr. Floyd Kvamme, Chair, President's Council of Advisors on Science & Technology; Director, Centre for Global Security Res.

-Dr. Ronald F. Lehman II, Director, Center for Global Security Research, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

-Mr. William W. McIlhenny, Policy Planning Council for Western Hemisphere Affairs

-Dr. Peter McPherson, President, National Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges

-Ms. Doris Meissner, Senior Fellow, Migration Policy Institute

-Dr. George Miller, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

-Mr. George Nethercutt, Chairman, US Section of the Permanent Joint Board on Defense, US-Canada (Security)

-Mary Anastasia O'Grady, Journalist for Wall Street Journal (Area Specialist)

-Dr. Robert A. Pastor, Director, Center For N. American Studies, American University, Washington, D.C.

-Dr. William Perry, Co-Director, Preventive Defense project

-Lt. Gen. Gene Renuart, USAF Senior Military Assist. to Sec. Rumsfeld

-Mr. Eric Ruff, Department of Defense Press Secretary

-Sec. Donald Rumsfeld (tsk tsk tsk), Secratary of Defense, Us Department of Defense, War Crimanal

-Dr. James Schlesinger, Former Sec. of Energy& Defense

-Mr. William Schneider,President, International Planning Services

-Sec. Clay Sell, Deputy Secretary of Energy, US Dept. of Energy

-Dr. Thomas A. Shannon, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs

-Dr. David G. Victor, Director, Program on Energy& Sustainable Development, Center for Environmental Science and Policy

-Maj. Gen. Mark A Volcheff, Director, Plans, Policy & Strategy, NORAD-NORTHCOM

-Ms. Jane Wales, President & CEO, World Affairs Council of Northern California

-Mr. R. James Woolsey, Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton


-Emb Andres Rozental, (Mexican Coordinator)-Mexican Council on foreign Relations

-Silvia Hernandez, Former Senator and Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on North America

-Mario Molina,, 1995 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

-Fernando Chico Pardo, CEO,Promecap

-Juan gallardo,, CEO, Grupo GEUSA

-Geronimo Gutierrez, Deputy Foreign Minister for North America

-Luis de la Calle, Consultant. Former Deputy Minister of Economy

-Agustin Barrios Gomez, Solutions Abroad

-Vinicio Suro, PEMEX

-Eduardo Medina Mora, Secretary of Public Security

-Carlos Heredia, State Government of Michoacan

-Jaime Zabludowsky, Consultant. Former Trade negotiator

-Manuel Arango, CEO, Grupo Concord

-Jorge Santibanez, President, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

-Luis Rubio, CIDAC

-Monica Serrano, El Colegio de Mexico, Senior Fellow Oxford University

-Arturo Sarukhan, Coordinator of International Affairs, Campaign of Felipe Calderon

-Juan Camilo Mourino, General Coordinator of President Elect's Transition Team

-Ernesto Cordero, Coordinator for Public Policy Issues Ambassadors/Consul General

-Mr. Carlos de Icaza,, Ambassador of Mexico to the United States

-Mr. Gaetan Lavertu, Ambassador of Canada to Mexico

-Ms. Maria Teresa Garcia Segovia de Madero, Ambassador of Mexico to Cananda

-Mr. Thomas Huffaker, US Consul General in Calgary(on DOD's list)

-Mr. John Dickson, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy in Ottawa, (representing Ambassador of US to Canada)

-Mr. Colin Robertson, Minister & Head, Washington Advocacy Secretariat,(representing Ambassador of Canada to the US)

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I remember this making a few waves when it went down, but mostly in a "we can't talk about this but we can report on it having happened" sort of way.

It's sad when the best think that I can hope for is that the people in attendance know that Stockwell Day is a total tool and nothing he proposes should be taken seriously. Otherwise, it's all still totally dodgy.

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I'd be really interested to know what specifics you heard about at what time. Who says we can't talk about it? Why is this not anywhere to be found in the national media? That is a massive heavy hitter list of dignitaries, the heaviest I mean scan down that fugger. The scary thought is that CSIS has indexed this site already as a result of this post.

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How fucking absurd is this though- and I'm no civil libertarian wingnut (okay I just watched Dennis Miller today it's rubbing off - I am of course a civil libertarian wingnut). I just can't believe that many heavy hitters- if the information can be believed which it all seems believable (operative word)- were in the country and no one in any media said boo.

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