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Make it Funky T-Shirt Design Contest

Jay Funk Dawg

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Make It Funky T-Shirt Design Contest

Make it Funky Productions and Pulp Magazine have a teamed up for a Make it Funky T-shirt Design Contest. As Make it Funky is one of the hot breaks and live funk events in Toronto and Pulp Magazine is one of Toronto's top havens for media, culture and all things sexy! We've decided those things weren't enough and we've teamed together for a funky fashion project!

Here's the lowdown, we're looking for grafitti artists, graphic designers, illustrators and imaginative artists of all styles to help design the first run of Make it Funky T-shirts. You've got a couple of options, you can use our logo in conjunction with your own design, or you can create your own "Make it Funky' text logo to go with your design. Get creative, the design can use any part of the shirt, the funkier the better! Please use a maximum of 3 colours per design. The winning design will receive his/her design printed on the T-shirt, a Make it Funky/Pulp Prize back that includes pair of free tickets to upcoming make it funky show and CDs, plus an interview in Pulp Magazine to promote your self as one of the best budding t-shirt designers!! Two runner's up will win a prize pack of CDs and a pair of Make it funky tickets.

more info: http://www.pulpmag.net/contests/contests.html

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