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Away Again


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-pictures of wife check

-bags check

-hard hat/work boots check

-x-box 360/games check

-camera check

-cd's check

-guitar check

Tis the time when off on the road I go. For the next three (maybe six) months I'm off to work at the Bruce Nuclear Station. I'll be in Ottawa for nero and I'm trying to get to langerado but other than that...work. I'll have one day off a week (Sunday) and I'm working night shift, so even making it home for Saturday night shows are out. So as I kiss my wife goodbye and take a last look at my apartment I wonder if I'm also going to be leaving my last bit of sanity behind, with the hopes of live music in Bruce County being slim.

So come on all you promoters and friends, what do you say, a big show in Port Elgin during the time of year when NOBODY is up there?.........didn't think so. At least I went on a mad rampage of burning disks for the road, lots of disks.(Thanks for the holidays oink!) I'll see ya's around. Already looking forward to taking a three month summer vacation/tour.

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