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Right on Stone Mtn- I figured I may as well add a couple others. This is disc one of three - its the collection that sold me on these guys.

Gourds - Best of The Boots 2002

Disc 1:

1. Lowrider -12.31.01 (after midnight)

2. The Rhyme of Mad Mick McCary - 01.12.02 (AUD-Sonic’s)

3. A Bottle and a Dime - 02.16.02

4. High Highs, Low Lows - 03.14.02

5. Miss You - 03.14.02

6. Moon Gone Down -03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

7. Hamfisted Box of Gloves -03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

8. Locomotive Breath - 03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

9. Lonesome, On’ry & Mean -03.16.02

10. Pickles -03.16.02

11. Dying of the Pines (alt.)-09.27.02 (AUD/SBD Matrix>DAT)

12. Ceiling’s Leaking -04.20.02

13. Roll & Tumble -04.20.02

14. 2000 Man -04.20.02

15. Midnight Moonlight -05.17.02 (DAT)

16. Time Has Come Today -06.14.02

17. Gin & Juice > Sangria Wine > Gin & Juice -06.14.02


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Here's disc two of three from Best Of The Boots 2002.

Disc 2:

1. Dang Me-03.08.02 (AUD-AT’s)

2. Grievin’ & Smokin’ > The Only Hell My Mama Raised -05.17.02 (with Tres Grupos Magnificos)(DAT)

3. Right in the Head -07.11.02 with Jimmy Smith

4. Comealongs - 07.11.02 with Jimmy Smith

5. A Quick One While He’s Away -07.11.02 with Jimmy Smith

6. Smoke Bend -06.08.02 with Dollar Bill Johnston

7. El Paso-06.08.02 with Dollar Bill Johnston

8. Search Party -07.03.02 (DAT)

9. Imbibing My Prescriptions -07.03.02 (DAT)

10. Magnolia -07.06.02

11. Come Up > All the Labor -07.06.02

12. Pakistani Annie & Taliban Dan -07.11.02

13. Layin’ Around the House -07.26.02

14. Pushed Her Down (alt)-07.26.02

15. Lament - 07.27.02 (outside)

16. My Name is Jorge -09.04.02 (Matrix>DAT)

17. I’m Goin’ Down -09.04.02 (Matrix>DAT)

18. Big Santiago Bust -09.27.02 (Matrix>DAT)

19. Sun King > Mean Mr. Mustard > She Came in Through the Bathroom Window -08.13.02


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And here's disc three of three. Enjoy.

Gourds Best Of The Boots 2002

Disc 3:

1. Turn My Head Around -08.18.02

2. Sweet L’il -08.18.02

3. O Rings -08.18.02

4. Oh Sister -03.14.02

5. The Prayer Fell Upon the Mirror > Copper Mine > Phil’s Jasper -08.22.02

6. Jesus Christ With Signs Following -08.18.02

7. Twilight of Song -08.22.02

8. Coffee & Herb Rag -08.22.02

9. Blankets -09.27.02 (Matrix>DAT)

10. First In Line -09.29.02 (DAT)

11. The Bridge -10.25.02 (DAT)

12. Tupelo Honey -10.25.02 (DAT)

13. The Losing End -11.09.02 (DAT)

14. Lowlands -11.22.02

15. On Time -11.22.02

16. Cranky Mullato -11.22.02

17. Ants on the Melon -11.22.02

18. Cracklin’s -11.22.02

19. Best of Me -11.23.02

20. Sugarcane -11.23.02

21. Mr. Teller -12.06.02

22. Are the Good Times Really Over for Good? - 09.27.02 (Matrix>DAT)


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