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David Lauzon 2007-02-03 available for download


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Thanks, Mark. What could be better than taking something I love and enjoy and sharing it with others? (In the case of this recording, it's over 1000 others at the moment. :o )

I hope backbacon's recording(s) downstairs came out. I missed Madgrass and Friends of Hefner, and saw precious little of Harvard Mouse, so I'm eager to hear all of it.



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go to the above linc...click the link under the Whole item menu to the right under SIZE, you can either save the file by right clicking the desired format, or open it directly.

hope this helps, and sorry to hear about your getting kicked out of the Lanc! I hope you found a good and fun place to go!

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thanks ricky!

I figured it out... :D

Now just tryin to figure out how to burn it :D

Assuming you downloaded the .shn ("shorten") files,


will help. If you downloaded the MP3 files, some CD burning programs can make audio CDs from them (which'll still be of lower quality than what you get from .shn files, but it might be easier to burn).



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