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The Artist formerly known as Leslie


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I just clipped on a Youtube link (which trust me after imeem is like stuffing cotton in your ears) for Shoreline (7/4) the BSS video. It's kind of touching me because they're obviously famous but I wasn't looking at them that way I was sort of, I'm not trying to brag, I guess well I know them all not that it's that well but I know them and who they are as people I guess. Leslie I probably know the best and Brendan because we've known each other the longest and from different places like Halifax when they were both in By Divine Right opening for the Hip and BC was spinning as The Champ.

Anyways I'd like to write some more about BSS but that is sort of a dead duck right now to me. Leslie is fascinating though, and well she just is Leslie to me. It's weird you watch her become a woman, like not a young woman and you sort of - I guess I should say we were penpals for awhile years ago and she asked me just off the cuff to go to nachos at Tortilla Flats once and well you can just imagine the fact that I didn't go sort of kills me- well you see her grow. She's so so beautiful. She does look freakishly like my mother as a young woman though and well you do the math their.

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I had a friend in high school that was madly in love with Noah Mintz, which inevitably led to many many many nights seeing hHead at the Hideaway and sneaking out the back door for smokes with them after the show. This evolved into Sharon hosting hHead for supper every time they played in town (this was before I opened my Saint John musician hostel).

Over the years I never got inside Brendans head, but I sure as hell felt like I knew him pretty well.

To this day everytime I see him laying it down, I can close my eyes and picture him 16 years younger eating mousakka in St Catharines with my friends and I.


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Dude thanks for getting me for real. I actually guess that's what I realized, I thought I had a crush on Leslie I may actually have loved her always.

The first time I saw her it was in the back room of the Cameron and it was one of Chris and Kate's beautiful Christmas shows and Leslie was opening. She was in fact Leslie then (Monarch days). I remember being basically so struck by her music that I was insanely jealous of her talent and I am not a musician. She was disgustingly talented. I followed her out into the night and told her to come to Halifax and we stayed in touch for a while. She had her guitar over her shoulder. She carried a guitar then.


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