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Paypal advice for buying Police tix

The Chameleon

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So I slept in today and missed the general sale for the Police at the ACC.

Since then I have found a guy on Craigslist who has a decent pair of tickets in the upper bowl at a reasonable price.

He lives in Quebec City and seems on the level.

However having never met him I want to know how I can protect myself from getting scammed and not recieving tickets.

He says he will accept cheque,money order or paypal. He will ship via UPS or Xpresspost.

If I go Paypal is there a way I can protect myself , in case he tries to not send me the tix I paid for?

Advice? Comments?

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paypal payments are guaranteed to some extent. if the transaction is linked to an ebay auction (they are owned by the same company), it very easy to get your money back.

but it sounds like yours is a private transaction, so things are more complicated and could take months to resolve if something went wrong. if the seller is offering you the option of paying by cheque, thats your safest way to do it.

but bottom line, its a matter of faith. and you have to base your faith on his reputation, standing on craiglist, etc. if he's been around for a while, it probably safe to deal with him.

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