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The Slip - Halloween


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Two points in relation to the above: For those interested, get a hold of The Slip from Halloween of last year. If you need a hand than send me a message.

Secondly, a few of us are driving from Ottawa to Boston for The Slip's Halloween show. Wondered if anyone else was interested or had any plans? I'd love to say "The Band needs your support" but truth is they're just fine without it. Rather, we need their support. Plus, this gives me an opportunity to dress as Pythagoras for Halloween.

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We'll see about Le Swimming AND higher groud (the first for sure...October is getting crazy when you throw in Shakti on the 5th).

For all you canucks interested in seeing the slip at halloween, the tickets can be purchased over the phone through Nextticketing: 617-423-6000. Can't be bought online when you're in Canada. I think they are about $20 US each when you add in the fees...but for those in the know this will be money well spent [smile]

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