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FLAC woes...need help

The Chameleon

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So I love the fact that FLAC sounds great and is far superior to MP3 but I hate that there are so few user friendly programs that work with it.

I currently am in the market for a good FLAC burner. I have many projects coming up where I need an all encompassing one.

I need software that will burn FLAC, while also writing the TAG info to disc and have a labelling function for cd jackets, where the TAG info can be imported.

Now that is not hard for MP3s but I can't find any of that for FLAC. All I can find is burn for free and it sucks, and spits out bad burns all the time...

Anyone know of a good burner with these functions? I am totally willing to pay so freeware is not important.

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I use EAC and FLAC frontend together, it rips to FLAC with tags intact. Then I burn with nero (burn FLAC as data), tags also stay intact. Very user friendly and easy, once setup its a one step process.

If they files don't already have the tags (usually live shows I download), I use FLACIFY.

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