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Earl Greyhound @ The Powerball 2007 + Photos


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Here's a little video montage I put together of Brooklyn's EARL GREYHOUND playing at The Power Plant for Toronto's 9th Annual Powerball this past Thursday, May 3. (Photos and clips shot on a 'point and shoot' digital camera -- so, sound quality is less than ideal...but, that insane lighting definitely warranted some video footage!!)

You can also see some shots taken at the show by M and myself here:


Also, there are some more shots of EG @ The Drake Underground in October 2006, along with a few BNB 10th Anniversary show pics, and finally a few from The Slip @ The El Mocambo in December here:


Hope to be able to take some more (read: better) show pics once I get a Digital SLR in the fall... but for now, enjoy!



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i hope they are better live than on their album. i found it to be unfocused and 'too much.' a few good songs. but i'll be where they're playing and might see them, have to do some research on their live show.

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