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Raggmuffin Night Changes


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According to http://www.babylonclub.ca/home.html


heading into a new school year, we want to make some slight changes for all's betterment. Every week, starting from Thursday August 28th on, we will open earlier at 9:00 P.M. with open drum circles and sessions. All drummers are welcome, the band will probably sound check to the beats creating just the right opening vibe.

First Ragga Set: 10:30-12:00

Second Ragga Set: 12:30-2:00

It will be very important to come earlier specially in the first two weeks because Top of the World will be doing a video release pre-party for our new Ragga night on the 28th, and then Thursday Sept. 4th it is the 11 Year Anniversary Party for our local reggae masters.

The music will stay the same, the vibe will stay peaceful, and the reggae fun will never change. We just want to get goin' earlier; see you on the dancefloor.



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