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7-7-7 Live Earth, Concert for a Planet in Crisis - Hamilton


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From www.crystaljourney.ca website:

Concert for a Planet in Crisis 7-7-07 at Unity Church, 21 Rosedene Ave, in Hamilton...

On July- 7 here in Hamilton, there will be a performance to mark the 7-7-07 Global Day of music across the globe to raise awareness to our pending environmental situation.

From 2-7pm there will be a community drum circle and the performance to send energy to our great Planet.

Drum circle 2-4pm, concert 5-7pm.

If you are at all concerned with our environment I encourage you to spend a few minutes this day and connect with the www.watch7-7-07.com and www.liveearth.org websites and all the performers worldwide.

Together we can make a difference.

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Concert tonight featuring David Hickey


Canadian born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, David Hickey has long had a love for music and crystals. After being introduced to his first Crystal Bowl in 2002 he began to assemble his own set which now includes over 30 different crystal tones. He plays these bowls in combination with vocals, Tibetan bowls, Oriental Wind Gongs, Paiste Gongs, Chimes and various drums to create beautiful meditative and healing music.

David has played the bowls accompanied by various vocalists as well as instruments such as the harp, piano, keyboard, guitar, mandolin, flute, didgeridoo, orchestra bells, drums and chanting.


The Crystal Journey

Our Mission Statement

Our role in this life is to create peace, harmony, and connectivity between humanity, Mother Earth and all of its inhabitants.

Our intention on this tour across the globe is to bring the healing sound and vibrational energy of the quartz crystal bowls to help open, clear and balance the energy of the entire planet.

Our goal on this tour is to perform in as many places as possible and reach as many souls as we can, bringing with us the energies and intentions of all in order to make this a reality.


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